Friday, May 2, 2008

An Update..

I know it's again been a while. But so, so busy. Just a quick update on some prior stories.

Bar Complaint -
It took a while (such a loooong while from my perspective). But the Bar finally said that my client had no basis for complaint. Just as an aside, I've learned from another client that the one that filed the complaint is now regretting it. He's spoken to some of my other clients, and realized that I really do care about my clients and really do work my ass off for them. He has had another attorney appointed, and his new attorney is doing everything he can to convince the client he just needs to plead to prison time, and that he has no defense. Which may not be the case. Live and learn.

An older post -
Regarding one of my first posts, having to do with a client of mine that was convicted at trial. I have recently learned that the appeals court has said I was right about an argument made at trial, and has reversed his conviction. WoooHooo!!

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