Friday, May 2, 2008

New page part

I have added a new part to my page. It's supposed to be called My Daily Diversions, but I'm still working on the formatting.

It seems that the one thing that will calm me down and clear my head after a really tough day at work is cuteness! There are several pages that I view regularly, including Cute Overload, The Daily Puppy, and Funny Cat Pictures. After hours of all the ugliness I see at work, and all the horrible things that people will do to other people, these remind me that there is still some purity and goodness in the world.

And I need it on days like today, after I see stories like this one on the news. Kitten thrown from car. Speaking of the things people do to other people, it boggles my mind that someone could do this to a creature so helpless. ARGGHHHH!

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